EuroThai Service & Consulting has helped a very high number of Italians to navigate through the bureaucratic formalities of getting married in Thailand, from obtaining the preliminary documents to marriage registration in Italy.
Our firm aims to operate as a supporting partner, attending to the couple’s proceedings from the very beginning, first by obtaining and verifying the documents in our office, and thereafter by having them translated as needed and having them certified if necessary.
After these first steps, EuroThai’s qualified staff will guide the couple in their procedure’s following stages: verification and authorization by the Italian Embassy, authentication by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, marriage at a District Office, and finally EuroThai will register the marriage in Italy.

Anybody living in a foreign Country and not aware of its laws can easily commit serious errors, including in important proceedings, due to one’s haste or to a particularly stressing period in one’s life. One of such proceedings is divorce, an unpleasant event that nevertheless when it occurs should be faced out as properly and legally as possible. EuroThai Service remains constantly in touch with all relevant Thai institutions to keep abreast of new regulations, and aims to be the customers’ reference agent, should they find themselves in this unpleasant situation.

Registration of the births of sons or daughter of foreign expatriates. Generally speaking, sons and daughters of Italian nationals can obtain the same nationality held by both their parents or even by just one of them, even though the children are born abroad and if they hold another passport. Therefore their birth should be registered in Italy, a procedure that EuroThai Service & Consulting will carry through for you until your new-born is issued an Italian passport.

Obtaining Italian Citizenship by Marriage with an Italian national
The foreign spouse of an Italian national can apply for Italian nationality if he/she meets the following requirements:
1A) if the applicant is a registered resident of Italy, i.e. has been living legally in Italy (under a residency permit and after registration with the Town Hall) for at least two years after the marriage (applications should be submitted to the Citizenship Department of the Prefecture, i.e. to the Government’s Representative in one’s Province of residence).
1B) if the applicant is a resident abroad: after three years from the date of the marriage (note: the marriage must be registered with the Town Hall of an Italian municipality). The above time periods are halved if the spouses have children (either of their own or adopted ones).
2) The marriage must be valid and must continue until the issue of the decree that awards citizenship.
3) The applicant should not have been sentenced for crimes punished with at least three years in jail, or should not have been sentenced by a foreign court to more than one year in jail for non-political crimes.
4) The applicant should not have been sentenced for committing one of the crimes listed in the Book Two, Title One, Chapters One, Two and Three of the Penal Code (crimes against the personality of the State).
5) The applicant should hold a certificate proving a sufficient knowledge of the Italian language, i.e. not lower than the B1 level.
6) Absence of any circumstances that might constitute a danger for the security of the Italian Republic.
The applications for Italian citizenship by marriage (submitted to the Government’s Representative Office (Prefettura) if the applicant is a resident of Italy, or to an Embassy or Consulate if the applicant is a resident abroad), should be submitted directly online by the applicants through the portal of the Italian Ministry of the Interior, which the relevant Consulate will then access by for a first review of the application and a verification of the documents submitted.
Source: Italian Embassy in Bangkok.
EuroThai Service & Consulting will keep track of the applications of Thai nationals married to Italians, so that they can obtain the Italian citizenship.
Furthermore, EuroThai can be given a power of attorney, to process any kind of Thai documents before submitting them to the relevant Italian authorities.