Translations and Interpreting
Eurothai Service & Consulting has been operating for a decade as a translation and interpreting firm from and into Italian, Thai, English, French, and many other language combinations.
Our firm only employs native professional translators and interpreters with several years of experience in this field.
Translation Service
All translations are made by highly qualified native speakers with a deep technical and linguistic expertise, and undergo a quality check not only through a cross-reading by a reviser and/or an industry expert, but also including consultations with the customer. All the information contained in the documents sent us or brought us personally by customers, with which our staff and professionals may become acquainted to perform the translations, will be treated with the highest confidentiality.
Furthermore, Eurothai Service & Consulting offers legalization services by the relevant Thai and Italian official bodies, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies, Consulates, etc.
Interpreting Service
The interpreting service requires high language skills by the translator.
Language skills have become more important in Thailand due to globalization and tourism and because of the need to promote one’s company in several contexts and to handle different legal and bureaucratic procedures.
Eurothai Service & Consulting offers translation and interpreting services from and into Thai, Italian, English and French.
EuroThai Service & consulting Co. Ltd